District Rules
As the Board of Supervisors adopts rules, they are posted on the website, here.
Links To Rules Sections Of Special Interest:
Master Index:
.................. Top Level Linked List of HCDD Rules
Chapter 1:
.................... Administrative Rules of Procedure
- Amendment 1: ...... Full Disclosure of Public Financing
- Amendment 2: ...... Vendor Purchase Policy
- Amendment 3: ...... { Rescinded 03/26/2015 — Rescission }
- Amendment 4: ...... { Rescinded 03/26/2015 — Habitat }
- Chapter 2: .................... { Rescinded 03/27/2014 — Utilities }
- Chapter 3: .................... Facility Usage Rates, Fees, & Charges
- Chapter 4: .................... Parks & Recreation Facilities Rules
Chapter 1:
.................... Administrative Rules of Procedure
- Appendix 1: ............ Speaking Request Form
- Appendix 2: ........... Tabular Schedule of Fees
- Appendix 3: ........... District Facility Maps & Plans
- Appendix 4: ........... Access Card Registration Form
- Appendix 5: ........... Facility Usage Application (Personal)
- Appendix 6: ........... Facility Usage Application (Company)
- Appendix 7: ........... District Boat-Use Agreement Form
Link To Download Complete Rules Package:
- District Rules: ............ Harmony CDD Rules & Policies