Historical Harmony Home
Welcome To Our Website!
understand that many new residents of Harmony are not familiar with a Community Development District ("CDD" or "District"), which often is especially true for those who have moved here from another State or from outside the U.S.
We urge you to use the resources available through this website to learn what a CDD is and what it does; and to find information you need to know as a resident.
If you are a first-time visitor, we suggest you begin your tour of the website by reading "About Harmony"; followed by "What Is A CDD"; the "District Board", a who/what/why introduction; and "District FAQ", for answers to common questions.
To learn about current activities within the District, check out the "Bulletin Board" page. If you are looking for information about meetings of the Board of Supervisors, peruse the District "Meetings", "Agendas", and "Minutes" pages.
For further details, use the dropdown Menu Bar to select a topical page of interest to you; or, scroll down to "Most Requested Items" and select from the quick-pick listing.
Customer Service
The District Manager's Office is located in Celebration. The Regional Office of the Management Contractor, InfraMark, is in Coral Springs. For your convenience, both offices are open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may contact us by phone, fax, email, or U.S. mail; whichever is most convenient for you. Contact information details are shown along the right side of each webpage.
We take pride in our website being inclusively accessible by all users, regardless of nationality &/or physical limitation, and inclusive of all browsers, regardless of platform &/or core style. To attain that goal, the design of this website is based on industry standard webpage encoding and networking protocols, supported by the evolving availability of assistive technologies. For further elucidation of our commitment, please review our Website Accessibility Policy.
If you have a disability (vision, hearing, mobility, etc.) and need help accessing material on this website, please review our ADA Compliance Statement. To obtain content in a specific format, submit a request to our website Administrator and we will do our best to accommodate your need. For all other forms of ADA assistance in using Harmony CDD facilities, please fill-in an ADA Accommodation Request and submit it at least 72 hours before the scheduled service, program, or activity. Personalized assistance is always available by phone through the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 for TTY/Voice communications.
We welcome your input, suggestions, and participation in community events. To each of our residents, new and old, we extend a friendly helping hand with whatever you need.
"Welcome To Harmony"!
Most Requested Items
- Photo ID Access Cards (for all District Facilities)
- Reserving District Facilities (How-to & Forms)
- Taking Boats On Buck Lake (Requirements)
- Harmony Field Services
- Report A Problem (or File A Complaint)
- Speaking Request Form
- Harmony Location Map
- Golf Carts In Harmony
- Property Assessments
- Weather In Harmony
- Harmony Trails Map
- Nuisance Alligators
- Street Names Map
- Harmony Policies
- Meeting Agendas
- Meeting Minutes
- HOA Documents
- Board Elections
No Signs or Structures Permitted in Easement
Please be aware that signs & other construction material, including port-o-lets, are prohibited in the CDD right-of-way (i.e., the area between the sidewalk & the curb). Any such placements (without explicit Board approval) will result in removal and disposal.
For the affective home-sales policy, please refer to: Harmony Real Estate Signage.
For limits on promotional materials, please refer to: Harmony Solicitation Policy.