Recreational Facilities
For any questions that may arise regarding the use of any District Facility, please refer to the rules and rates sections of the Harmony District Rules which govern these facilities. If you need ADA assistance in using a District facility, please fill-in an ADA Accommodation Request and submit it at least 72 hours before the scheduled service, program, or activity.
General Information & Reminders
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Harmony District property. There have been instances of some individuals bringing beer in coolers to sporting events, but drinking on public (HCDD) property within the community is not allowed.
- The sale of anything on Harmony CDD property is prohibited without prior written authorization by the District Board. This applies to private parties as well as non-profit organizations.
- Animals are not allowed at the pool or the recreation center, except as permitted under Florida Law for sight-impaired persons. Also keep in mind that provisions for off-leash dogs applies only to fenced Dog Parks (nowhere else in the community), in accordance with Florida and County laws and ordinances.
Click here to view the Dog Park Usage Rules.
No activity that disturbs littoral zones is permitted in any of the neighborhood ponds. This includes, but is not limited to, model boating, swimming, water skiing, and use of any form of personal watercraft.
- Boating and fishing are available at Buck Lake Park. Use of motorized craft is restricted to HCDD owned boats. You may, however, launch your personal canoe, kayak, or similarly sized non-motorized water craft, provided it can be carried to the canoe beach for launching. For your safety, though, the Dockmaster must be notified whenever you do this. Check for boat usage and rules announcements, as posted and updated at Buck Lake.
- Harmony Residential Owners Association (HROA) Covenants prohibit feeding or harassing any wildlife. Feeders for songbirds are permitted. The feeding of alligators &/or sand hill cranes is punishable under Florida Law, with fines, jail time, or both.
Harmony Swim Club
Photo ID Access Cards
If you are a Harmony resident and would like to obtain a facility access card, please review the Access Card Procurement Process and then contact our office. If you would prefer to send your information (including your photograph) to us electronically, then simply download and fill-in the Access Card Application Form and submit it to us per Process instructions.
>[Rules reference: Chapter 4, Section 3]<
Facility Reservations
We receive many requests to reserve the parks and recreation facilities for residents who have special private events. The community also sponsors events at these facilities, both for Harmony residents and for the general public.
To reserve a facility, you must submit a filled-in application to the site reservations Facilitator for review, approval, and scheduling. Please select the appropriate application form below to request a facility for your event, and be sure to allow sufficient time for a review of your request prior to the scheduled time of your event.
- Corporate Application (organization/group)
- Individual Application (resident/personal)
>[Rules references: Chapter 4, Sections 8&9; and Chapter 3, Section 4]<
Boats On Buck Lake
Boat Usage Requirements
If you are new to the website or to the boating process, please be aware that access to District Boats is contingent upon satisfying the following conditions (in priority order):
- Completion of a Boat Orientation class (conducted by the Dockmaster) (1)
- Signing of the District Boat Use Agreement (after completing orientation)
- Payment of Security/Damage Deposit of $250 (required before taking boat) (2)
- Signing of the Daily Use Reminder Agreement (each time a boat is taken out)
(1) Classes are conducted the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, starting promptly at 10:00 a.m. & running for ½ hour. You may reserve a spot in one of these classes by contacting the District Office at 407-566-1935.
(2) Payments are processed by the District Office in the following manner.
Option1 (Personal Check): For each use, you must send a copy of your driver's license to the District Office with a check in the specified dollar amount (which will be returned to you after an inspection confirms there is no damage). Frequent users may send one check that will be kept on retainer for up to one year, after which it must be renewed. If damages are found, you will be notified of the dollar amount of necessary repairs. If the damages are less than the dollar amount of the check, it will be cashed & the difference refunded to you. If the damages exceed the dollar amount of the check, you will be contacted and given the option of how to make a full restitution payment.
Option2 (Credit/Debit Card): This option has been rescinded & is no longer available.
>[Rules reference: Chapter 4, Section 5]<
Boat Dock Hours-of-Operation
The dock at Buck Lake is open for boating activities every Wednesday thru Monday of each week, but is closed on Tuesday to all boating activities.
Daily hours of operation are 7:30am to 4:00pm, with the last reservation accepted being one for a start time of 1:00pm.
Dock Fishing Hours-of-Operation
Fishing is permitted from the dock & pier year round, nominally from dawn to dusk every day, including Tuesdays when the boats undergo weekly scheduled maintenance.
Boat Reservations
Online System is Available for Boat Reservations.
Click here to enter the reservation system portal.
Through the generosity of Jungle Lasers and Harmony resident, Mark Catanese, an online reservation system has been provided free to the Harmony community. The product being used is Geo3.0 (pronounced jee-oh-three-oh). Currently available only for boats, in the future it may be expanded to include other District Facilities. |
While this online system serves to expedite the process of reserving a boat, for those residents who prefer not to use an interactive portal, you may still make your reservations by contacting the District Office.
Fax: 407-566-2064
Phone: 407-566-1935
eMail: District Manager
Alternately, your reservations may be made by directly contacting the Field Operations Office in Harmony.
Voice/Text: 407-837-8743
eMail: Field Services Manager
We hope that everyone takes proper care of the District Boats, and indeed all of the District Recreational Facilities, so that the residents of Harmony and their guests can continue to enjoy them long into the future without incurring reckless financial impacts.
Boat Availability
Are boats available to regular users with less than 24-hour advanced notice?
- For those who have completed the orientation class and have a standing deposit with the District office, if you decide less than 24 hours in advance that you would like to use a boat, it may be available to you on a first-come, first-served basis.
Simply go to the online reservation system (click here) and see if there is a boat available.
We will always strive to be as accommodating as we can within the hours of operation and as the boats and staff members are available.
Please be aware that there will be times when boats are simply not available to anyone due to repairs or inclement weather. We ask for your patience and flexibility during those times.
Your Dockmaster (Fri-Sat 407-449-5843; Sun-Thu 407-837-8144) appreciates your cooperation.
- Harmony, FL Weather Report — Current Conditions and Five Day Forecast