District Rules
The Harmony CDD maintains and periodically updates its governing set of administrative, procedural, and operational Rules and Policies, including fee schedules for the use of District facilities. These Rules and Polices, established pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 190, are comprised of the Chapters, Amendments, & Appendices listed below, with individual sections interlinked for easy navigation.
As the Board of Supervisors adopts revisions or additions to these rules, they are released for public dissemination and posted on this webpage. As with all Harmony CDD records, the District’s Rules and Policies are ADA Compliant and NVDA screen readable. If you need assistance with any aspect of these (or any) records on this website, please contact our site Administrator and we will do our best to provide whatever is required.
Links To Rules Sections Of Special Interest:
Master Index: .................. Top Level Linked List of HCDD Rules
Chapter 1: .................... Administrative Rules of Procedure
Amendment 1: ...... Full Disclosure of Public Financing
Amendment 2: ...... Vendor Purchase Policy
Amendment 3: ...... { Rescinded 2015/03/26 — Rescission }
Amendment 4: ...... { Rescinded 2015/03/26 — Habitat }
Chapter 2: .................... { Rescinded 2014/03/27 — Utilities }
Chapter 3: .................... Facility Usage Rates, Fees, & Charges
Chapter 4: .................... Parks & Recreation Facilities Rules
Appendix 1: ............ Speaking Request Form
Appendix 2: ........... Tabular Schedule of Fees
Appendix 3: ........... District Facility Maps & Plans
Appendix 4: ........... Access Card Registration Form
Appendix 5: ........... Facility Usage Application (Personal)
Appendix 6: ........... Facility Usage Application (Company)
Appendix 7: ........... District Boat-Use Agreement Form
Link To Download Complete Rules Package:
District Rules: ............ Harmony CDD Rules & Policies
[ Effective 2019/07/25 ]
Harmony Policies:
Compiled here for easy access, the following policy documents are incorporated explicitly, and implicitly by reference, into the Master Rules & Policies of the Harmony District.
- Employee Policy Manual: { Rescinded 2021/07/29 }
— Handbook of rules, policies, & procedures for District Field Services personnel
- Real Estate Signage Policy:
— Delineation of acceptable signage displays for all home-sales within Harmony
- District Solicitation Policy:
— Limits on solicitation & distribution of promotional material within Harmony
- Trees Maintenance Policy:
— Procedures & waiver for the maintenance & trimming of District owned trees
- Alligator Removal Policy:
— Procedure to be followed should it be necessary to remove a nuisance alligator
- Email Retention Policy:
— Establishes procedures to be followed in the retention of District email records
- Security System Policy:
— Delineates legal definition & bounds on access to District Security System data
- Dog Park Usage Policy:
— Guidelines established for safe & enjoyable use of Harmony’s fenced dog parks
- Procurements Policy:
— Procedures & Guidelines to be followed in the procurement of goods & services
- Dispositions Policy:
— Procedures to be followed in the disposition of surplus &/or obsolete property
- Easement Agreement:
— Provides temporary easement access across District property for construction
- Parking Violation Notice:
— Courtesy notice of parking violation in a regulated area near a District facility
- Towing Services Agreement:
— Contracted service to address parking issues that occur near District facilities